– There are 11 simple vowels and main 3 diphthongs in the Vietnamese language. The vowels are presented in the following chart:
1. The vowels: (base on each column) have the similar (position of the tongue) and the different thing (the shape of your mouth)
*Please note this we skipped ă, â and q in this audio. We read from left to right, every letter twice.
The first column: the position of tongue is close to lips and opening up from i to e
(Find picture below for each letter)
I/y :
I and Y sounds similar – “ee” in English.
Example (in Vietnamese word): ly– glass
Ê sounds like “eh” in English
Example (in Vietnamese) : lê – pear
E sounds similar with “air” but soften “r”
Example: mẹ – mother
The second column: the position of tongue is in between and opening up from ư to a
(Find picture below for each letter)
Ư sounds similar with “er” but shorten sound
Example: từ từ – slow down
Ơ sounds similar with “er” but soften “r”
Example: chợ – market
A sounds like “ah” in English
Example (in Vietnamese): Ba – three/ father (in Souther Vietnamese)
• The third column: is the only rounded one, the position of tongue is back of throat and opening up from u to o
U sounds like “oo” in English
Example (in Vietnamese): chú – uncle
Ô sounds like “oh” in English
Example (in Vietnamese): Cô – Aunt/Miss (Formal pronoun)
O sounds like “aw” in English
Example (in Vietnamese): có – (to) have
2. Diphthong (Compound vowels)
– Diphthongs iê-/yê-
Iê- and Yê- sounds similar “Ia” but if you are willing to combine “Yê-“ with Initial consonant, using middle vowel “u” is a must
Tiền : Money
bao nhiêu: how much
-> Bao nhiêu tiền?
(How much money?)
-> In sentence:
Một ly cà phê BAO NHIÊU TIỀN?
(A glass of coffee how much ?)
*NOTE: ______________ bao nhiêu tiền?
nhiều: alot/ many
chiều: afternoon
triệu: millions
hiểu : understand
biết : know
tiếng Việt : Vietnamese language
Tiếng Anh : English
Others: nói :speak
Exp: Tôi biết nói Tiếng Anh
(I know how to speak English)
Đặt câu: Make sentence
Yêu : (to) Love (or relationship/country/family)
Tôi yêu mẹ : I love mom
Thích:(to) like
Mê : be passionate about
Note: If you are willing to combine “yê-” with Initial consonant, using middle vowel “u” is a must
Nguyễn : Vietnamese Surname
Khuyên: (to) advise
Iê- / Ia have both similar sounds “Ia” but Iê– must be combined followed by Final Consonant or Vowel. Meanwhile Ia can stand by itself or combine with one more Initial Consonant
Diphthongs –ia/-ya
Bia : Beer
Mía : Sugar cane
Kia : There – nothern word
Thìa : Spoon – northern word
Nĩa : Fork
Dĩa : Plate
Đặt câu: Make sentence
Similar with “yê-“ , If you are willing to combine “-ya” with Initial consonant, using middle vowel “u” is a must
Khuya : Midnight
Sáng: Morning
Trưa: Noon
Chiều: Afternoon
Tối: Night
– Diphthongs ươ-/ưa
*Ươ-/Ưa have both similar sounds “Ưa” but Ươ– must be combined followed by Final Consonant or Vowel. Meanwhile Ưa can stand by itself or combine with one more Initial Consonant.
Mười : 10
Lười : lazy
(Làm biếng – more common for “lazy”)
Cười : smile
Đường : Sugar or Street
Phường: ward
Hướng: direction
Sườn : ribs
-> Cơm sườn: Cooked rice with ribs
Lương : Salary
Thường : usually
Trường : school
Người : people
-> Tôi là người Việt
( I’m Vietnamese )
[ Là : Am/is/are, being used in front of Noun (Definition: name, identity,…)]
Nước: Water (main meaning)
(1) nước hoa : Liquid flower -> Perfume
nước mía : Sugar cane juice
(2) nước Anh : England (Country)
Tôi là Michael
Tôi là người Anh
Tôi biết nói tiếng Anh và tiếng Việt chút chút.
(I’m Michael. I’m British. I know how to speak English and Vietnamese a little bit)
Tôi là __________.
Tôi là người _________.
Tôi biết nói tiếng _________ và tiếng _________ chút chút.
Đặt câu: Make sentence
Mưa (rain)
-> Trời mưa : It rains
Hứa (promise)
Trưa : afternoon
-> ăn trưa : have lunch
ăn sáng: have breakfast
ăn tối: have dinner
Bữa ăn : meal
-> Bữa sáng: The breakfast
Lừa : fool/ donkey
Lửa: fire
Dừa : coconut
Sửa : fix
-> Sửa xe: Fix motorbike
Sữa : milk
Chưa: not yet
-> Em ăn trưa chưa?
( Have you had lunch yet? – pronoun as you for younger people)
Tôi ăn trưa rồi (I have had lunch already)
Tôi chưa ăn trưa (I have not had lunch yet)
(1)rửa tay : wash hands
(2)rửa xe : wash vehicle
(3)rửa ly : wash glasses
Đặt câu: Make sentence
Diphthongs uô-/ua
*Uô-/Ua have both similar sounds “Ua” but Uô– must be combined followed by Final Consonant or Vowel. Meanwhile Ua can stand by itself or combine with one more Initial Consonant.
Uống: drink
Muốn: want
-> Tôi MUỐN một ly nước cam.
(I want a glass of orange juice)
Buồn : sad
Luôn: always
Rau muống: morning glory
-> Cho tôi một dĩa RAU MUỐNG
(Give me a plate of Morning glory)
Muỗng: spoon – southern word
Muối: salt
Muỗi: mosquito
Đặt câu: Make sentence
Mua : buy
Mùa : season
->Mùa mưa : Rainy season
Chua : sour
->Chua quá: Very sour
Chùa : pagoda
->Đi chùa : Go to the pagoda
Cua : crab
Của : of
Tiền của tôi (Money of mine)
Đặt câu: Make sentence
3. Pronunuciation practicing:
Buổi trưa ăn bưởi chua (Eatting sour grapefruit in the afternoon)